Thursday, 29 May 2014

Exciting times.......

I never thought talking about what I do was important when I am helping others to achieve their goals, but having recently talked to a business coach about my new and exciting venture, I was told that without a shadow of a doubt I should be talking about myself, as I practice what I preach!
So here it is - I've just won the British Rowing Masters Championships single sculling for my age group (no, I'm not letting on what that is!!).  What is interesting is that I wasn't feeling too good on the day, with a chesty cough and no voice.  I am constantly telling athletes not to train or race when not 100% fit (I still stand by this with regards to training). But as I was there I thought I may as well do it anyway!  The interesting bit was that, as I wasn't feeling as fit as I should have been I decided to pace myself much more, hoping that I would be able to breathe for the whole race, instead of going out too strong and not being able to hold on - and this taught me a valuable lesson about how important it is to work to your strengths (which in my case that day was strong legs and not much in my lungs).  And ensuring every part of you is as healthy as it possibly can be through good nutrition is hugely important in that situation.
I am constantly asked by athletes what they should be eating for breakfast, before training, between races etc., and I know how much of a minefield it can be, especially as we now have the great internet with so much false information to sift through too!  So, to help answer your questions and help you achieve your goals, I am setting up Sports Nutrition Workshops that will include great food (cooked by me and eaten by you), plus loads of great advice about eating around your sport.

A newsletter will be sent out to everyone in advance of the workshops being launched, with a new website and lots of other exciting things to come, so keep watching this space, and get in touch if you think your club or team would like to learn how to cook great, nutritious food to help them win!

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