Wednesday, 26 June 2013

The Benefits of Coconut Oil

After the last post I was asked where I find so many 'weird' ingredients?!  To me they are not weird, just unusual and sometimes the research is new so supermarkets haven't quite cottoned on to them yet.
Coconut oil is certainly not weird, it is delicious!  And has been used for cooking in countries like Sri Lanka for a very long time.
More recently it has been heralded as an answer to Alzheimer's disease, with its' ability to boost the brains energy supply through Ketones - high level fuel that is produced by converting medium chain triglycerides (MCT), which are abundant in coconut oil.  Coconut oil has the largest concentration of MCT, apart from human breast milk, and these go directly to the liver and are transformed into energy and not fat.  
MCT's promote what is called 'thermogenisis', which increases the body's metabolism, producing energy, so not only is it recommended for Alzheimer's, it is also very useful for athletes or weight loss.
Lauric acid is the name of the fat found in coconut milk, it is a saturated fat that is known to enhance the immune system through it's antiviral and antibacterial effects.
So how can you use it?
There are so many uses of this gorgeous oil, it's hard to know where to start!  You can add it to pretty much anything - it makes smoothies really creamy, and I use it in baking instead of butter.  Another friend spreads it on his toast in the morning!  And because it has a high smoke point, it is very stable, and slow to oxidise - perfect for cooking food at high temperatures, stir-fries for instance.
And it's not just for eating - massage it into your skin or hair for a really indulgent treat.

Creamy Sultana Porridge

Serves 1

40 g rolled oats
30 g sultanas
300 ml non-dairy milk
1 tsp Coconoil
1 knob stem ginger, diced
½ banana, peeled and sliced
drizzle of honey

  • ·          Place the oats, sultanas, non-dairy milk and 200 ml water in a pan and leave to soak for 10 minutes.
  • ·          Place over a medium heat and slowly bring to the boil, stirring most of the time, until thick and creamy.
  • ·         Stir in the Coconoil until it has melted, then serve the porridge in a bowl.
  • ·         Sprinkle with the diced ginger and sliced banana and drizzle with honey.
  More of my recipes can be found on the Coconoil website.
   Joy xx

   PS  For any Triathletes reading this, go to Total Sports Nutrition magazine for my latest feature, to help your improve your performance.

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