Friday, 13 January 2012

Variety in Your Diet

People always say that it feels easier to eat more healthily in the summer, mainly because it's easier to eat salads and less stodgy foods.  But winter foods don't have to be stodgy, and can be just as exciting and varied as summer foods.
Firstly, change your shopping habit - go to different shops to buy your food this week - that way, you will see different foods, rather than shopping on automatic pilot.  And if you see foods you are unsure of how to cook, buy them!  Then go home, look on the internet to learn about them and cook a new recipe that you've not done before.
There are probably hundreds of ingredients out there that you have never tried, but could find that you really love them, and that they may be good for you!
Home-made soups are an ideal meal through the winter, and they give the chance to get real variety into your diet.  Plus, they are cheap and easy to prepare.
Add spices, herbs and all your favourite ingredients, making sure there is some protein somewhere in your meal - this can be done by serving soup topped with a softly poached egg, or dropping in chunks of salmon to cook through at the end.
As an example, the soup here is made from chickpeas (great protein, lowers cholesterol & improves blood sugar levels) and spinach (antioxidant), but I also added turmeric (anti-inflammatory), ginger (anti-inflammary and anti-microbial), garlic (aids digestion, lowers cholesterol) - so you see how easy it is?  And making it yourself ensures there are no bad bits going in either.
Time to throw away the tin opener and get your pans out!

And if you are thinking of detoxing at this time of year, think again - take a look at my feature on the subject at

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