My thought was that, if I could survive cycling through the manic streets of Maduria (manic, is actually a bit of an understatement!), then I should be fine cycling anywhere around the UK.
I have to admit I felt safer on the rough, ruleless roads of India that I do cycling around London - everybody that drives should be made to cycle through central London just once, just to know how it feels to have cars drive so close that you could almost touch them just by wiggling your toes!
But the positive side of cycling is that you get to stop whenever you feel like it, and see far more than when in a car - both of these pictures are of statues that I really love - do you know where they are?
The great thing about a blog (apart from spreading great tips and recipes to all your lovely followers), is that friends can keep up with what is going on in your life. This is even more exciting when friends live on the other side of the world. A great friend called Vanessa moved to Australia a few years ago, and I really miss her inspiring chats, but now, thanks to her wonderful blog, I can keep up with what is happening in her life, see her great house and also get some amazing tips for food and home!
And even better is that she has mentioned me in her blog for the Liebster Blog Award - more to come on this next time.